A Paper
Submitted to Fulfill the Final Project of Office Management
4th Semester

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Leadership is the ability to influence others, subordinates or groups, the ability to direct the behaviour of subordinates or groups, have the ability or special skills in the field desired by the group, to achieve organizational or group goals. There are many styles of leadership that can affect employee performance. From the style that makes employees uncomfortable and depressed, until a friendly leadership style will affect the work of employees.
Keywords: Leadership style, employee work result
Keywords: Leadership style, employee work result
Leadership is the process of influencing or modelling by leaders to followers in an effort to achieve organizational goals. The natural way of studying leadership is to "do it in the work" with practices such as apprenticeship to a skilled artist, craftsman, or practitioner. In this connection the expert is expected to be part of the giving of instruction / instruction.
Most people still tend to say that effective leader have certain very important traits or characteristics such as charisma, foresight, persuasion and intensity. And indeed, when we think of a heroic leader like Napoleon, Washington, Lincoln, Churcill , Sukarno, General Sudirman, etc. we must recognize that such attributes are attached to them and have been utilized to achieve their desired goals.
Problem Identification
The influence of leadership style on employee performance
Purpose of Paper
To know the different styles of leadership in the office
3.1. Understanding Leadership
3.1. Understanding Leadership
There are at least 3 theories about the origin of a leader formed, including as follows:
1. Genetic Theory - states that the leader is born with a talent that has been buried within a person.
2. Social Theory - states that one can be a leader through training, opportunity and education.
3. Ecological Theory - this theory is a combination of 2 theories above.
According to Tead; Terry; Hoyt (in Kartono, 2003) Understanding leadership is the activity or art of influencing others to want to cooperate based on the person's ability to guide others in achieving the goals desired group.
1. Genetic Theory - states that the leader is born with a talent that has been buried within a person.
2. Social Theory - states that one can be a leader through training, opportunity and education.
3. Ecological Theory - this theory is a combination of 2 theories above.
According to Tead; Terry; Hoyt (in Kartono, 2003) Understanding leadership is the activity or art of influencing others to want to cooperate based on the person's ability to guide others in achieving the goals desired group.
According to Young (in Kartono, 2003) Understanding Leadership is a form of domination based on personal ability that is able to encourage or invite others to do something based on acceptance by the group, and have the appropriate special skills for special situations.
3.2. Characteristics of Leaders
Some traits that are usually attached to a leader, among others, are as follows.
1. Intelligence - The ability to speak, interpret, and reason more strongly than the members who are led.
2. Self-Confidence - Confidence in competence and expertise
3. Determination - The desire to complete a job that includes features such as initiative, persistence, influence, and tend to drive
4. Integrity - The quality of honesty and trustworthy by the members
5. Sosiobilitas - The tendency of leaders to establish relationships that are fun, friendly, friendly, polite, wise, and diplomatic. Showing sensitivity to the needs of others and concern for their lives.
1. Intelligence - The ability to speak, interpret, and reason more strongly than the members who are led.
2. Self-Confidence - Confidence in competence and expertise
3. Determination - The desire to complete a job that includes features such as initiative, persistence, influence, and tend to drive
4. Integrity - The quality of honesty and trustworthy by the members
5. Sosiobilitas - The tendency of leaders to establish relationships that are fun, friendly, friendly, polite, wise, and diplomatic. Showing sensitivity to the needs of others and concern for their lives.
3.3. Leadership Style
1. Autocratic Leadership
Leaders are very dominant in every decision-making and every policy, rule, procedure is taken from his or her own ideas. This kind of leadership concentrates power on itself. It limits the initiative and thinking power of its members.
The authoritarian leader will not pay attention to the needs of his subordinates and tend to communicate one way ie from the top (leader) down (members). This type of leadership can usually be found in military and police academies.
2. Bureaucratic Leadership
2. Bureaucratic Leadership
This style of leadership is commonly applied in a company and will be effective if every employee follows every procedure flow and performs daily routine responsibilities.
Still in this leadership style there is no room for members to innovate because everything is set in a set of procedures that every layer must adhere to.
3. Participative Leadership
Still in this leadership style there is no room for members to innovate because everything is set in a set of procedures that every layer must adhere to.
3. Participative Leadership
In a participative leadership style, ideas can flow from below (members) because the control position on solving a problem and decision-making is held in turn.
Leaders provide space for subordinates to be able to participate in making a decision as well as an atmosphere of friendship and mutual trust between leaders and members.
4. Delegative Leadership
This style of leadership is commonly called Laissez-faire where leaders give absolute freedom to members to do their own goals and ways. Leaders tend to let decisions are made by anyone in the group so that sometimes the team morale in general becomes low.
This type of leadership will be very disadvantageous if the members are not mature enough in carrying out their responsibilities and have high motivation for the job. But on the contrary can be a boomerang for the company if it has employees who are contrary to the previous statement.
5. Transactional Leadership
Leadership of this type tend to be action transactions between leaders and subordinates in which leaders will provide rewards when subordinates successfully perform the tasks that have been completed according to the agreement. Leaders and subordinates have their own goals, needs and interests.
6. Transformational Leadership
6. Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership styles can inspire positive changes in those (members) who follow. Leaders of this type are concerned and involved directly in the process including in terms of helping group members to successfully complete their tasks.
Leaders tend to have a positive spirit for their subordinates so that their spirits can affect their members to be more energetic. Leaders will be very concerned about the welfare and progress of each of his subordinates.
7 Servant Leadership (Servant)
The relationship exists between the leader serving with the members is oriented towards the nature of serving with spiritual moral standards. Leaders who serve more prioritize the needs, interests and aspirations of the members than their personal interests.
8 Charismatic Leadership
Charismatic leaders have a strong influence on followers because of the charisma and confidence they display. Followers tend to follow charismatic leaders in awe and emotionally believe and want to contribute together with charismatic leaders. The charisma arises from every dazzling ability he has, especially in convincing each of his members to follow every direction he wants.
9. Situational Leadership
9. Situational Leadership
Leaders who apply situational leadership types more often adapt any existing leadership style with the members' developmental stages in which the readiness of the members performs every task. The situational leadership style tries to combine the leadership process with the situation and conditions.
There are at least 4 styles applied by the leader of this type, including:
1. Telling-Directing (telling, showing, leading, setting),
2. Selling-Coaching (selling, explaining, clarifying, persuading),
3. Participating-Supporting (involving, encouraging, working together),
4. Delegating (delegating, observing, supervising, settling).
The functions of discipline. Here are three expert opinions related to leadership functions. The first opinion according to Siagian (2003), the essential leadership functions consist of:
1. Determination of direction that will be taken by the organization in efforts to achieve the goals and various goals.
2. Representatives and spokespersons of the organization in relation to various parties outside the organization, especially with those classified as "stakeholders".
3. Effective communicators.
4. Reliable mediators, particularly in dealing with various situations of conflict that may arise between individuals within a group of work within the organization they lead.
5. Rational and objective integrators.
By implementing these five essential functions of leadership, leaders are expected to bring their followers to the goal to be achieved.
Another opinion is Rivai's leadership role, which he says leadership is directly related to the social situation in the life of each group or organization which implies that every leader is inside and not outside the situation. The function of leadership is a social phenomenon, because it must be manifested in the interaction between individuals in the social situation of a group or organization. Leadership functions alone are grouped into the following two dimensions (Rivai, 2002):
Another opinion is Rivai's leadership role, which he says leadership is directly related to the social situation in the life of each group or organization which implies that every leader is inside and not outside the situation. The function of leadership is a social phenomenon, because it must be manifested in the interaction between individuals in the social situation of a group or organization. Leadership functions alone are grouped into the following two dimensions (Rivai, 2002):
1. Dimensions with respect to the level of direction capability in the leader's actions or activities.
2. Dimensions relating to the level of support or involvement of persons who are led in carrying out the basic tasks of groups or organizations.
3. A leader to achieve organizational goals must perform various leadership functions.
According to Frunzi and Savini as quoted in Hidayat (2005) there are five leadership functions that are characteristic of leadership. The five functions of leadership are:
1. Teaching, by giving special direction, advice and guidance to employees in completing tasks.
2. Counseling, by interviewing the employees and assisting them in finding the answers.
3. Evaluation, in conducting supervision, review, assessment of employees as reciprocal to employee performance.
4. Delegation, by assigning duties, responsibilities and authority to employees who are considered competent.
5. Giving rewards, by providing real or not real recognition to employees who have completed their duties properly.
3.4. Understanding Human Resources
Understanding human resources and its implementation is often still not in line with the wishes of the organization. While alignment in managing human resources is a major factor in the success of the way an organization. Then what resources need to be developed for the purpose of the organization can be achieved well? Before going any further, it's good we go back to the initial understanding to understand this. What is a human resource? Let's see in the opinion of experts.
Sonny Sumarsono (2003, h 4), Human Resources or human recources contain two insights. First, it is a work effort or service that can be provided in the production process. In other respects HR reflects the quality of business provided by a person within a certain time to produce goods and services. Understanding the second, human resources concerning human being able to work to provide services or business work. Able to work means able to conduct activities that have economic activity, namely that the activity produces goods or services to meet the needs or the community.
Mary Parker Follett Human Resource Management is an art for achieving organizational goals through the arrangement of others to carry out the necessary work, or in other words not doing the work itself.
This definition, put forward by Mary Parker Follett, implies that managers achieve organizational goals through the arrangement of others to perform the various jobs that are treated, or in other words, by not doing the works themselves.
Management can indeed have a broader understanding than that, but the definition above gives us the fact that we mainly manage non-material or financial human resources.
On the other hand, management includes planning functions (determination of what will be done), organizing (planning and assignment of working groups), compilation of personnel (withdrawal, selection, development, compensation, and performance appraisal), direction (motivation, leadership, integration, and conflict management) and oversight.
M.T.E. Hariandja (2002, h 2) Human Resources is one factor that is very important in a company in addition to other factors such as capital. Therefore, human resources must be managed well to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.
Mathis and Jackson (2006, p.3) HR is the design of formal systems within an organization to ensure effective and efficient use of human talent to achieve organizational goals.
Similarly, according to The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) in Mullins (2005). Human resources are expressed as design, implementation and maintenance strategies to manage people for optimal business performance including development policies and processes to support the strategy.
Hasibuan (2003, p 244) Understanding Human Resources is an integrated ability of the power of thought and physical power possessed by individuals. Perpetrators and nature are done by heredity and environment, while her work performance is motivated by desire to fulfill her satisfaction.
HR consists of the power of thinking and physical power of every human being. The assertiveness of every human being is determined by his power of thought and physical power. HR or human be the main element in every activity that done. Reliable or sophisticated equipment without an active HR role, does not mean anything. Power of thought is the intelligence that is brought from birth (basic capital) while the skills obtained from the business (learning and training). Intelligence quotes Intelegence Quotient (IQ) and Emotion Quality (EQ).
Factors Affecting Employee Performance
Understanding Performance is a result of work produced by an employee interpreted to achieve the expected goals. The opinions of experts on the definition of performance, as follows:
Factors Affecting Employee Performance
Understanding Performance is a result of work produced by an employee interpreted to achieve the expected goals. The opinions of experts on the definition of performance, as follows:
According to Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara (2009: 67) suggests that:
"Performance is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in performing his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him."
"Performance is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in performing his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him."
According Sedarmayanti (2011: 260) revealed that:
"Performance is a translation of performance which means the work of a worker, a management process or an organization as a whole, where the work must be shown concretely and measurable (compared to predetermined standards)."
"Performance is a translation of performance which means the work of a worker, a management process or an organization as a whole, where the work must be shown concretely and measurable (compared to predetermined standards)."
According Wibowo (2010: 7) suggests that:
"Performance is about doing the job and the results achieved from the job."
Gilbert (1977), quoted by Soekidjo Notoatmodjo (2009: 124) suggests that:
"Performance is what a person can do according to his task and function."
Based on the above notions, it can be argued that performance is a result of work achieved by an employee in accordance with the standards and criteria that have been established within a certain time.
"Performance is about doing the job and the results achieved from the job."
Gilbert (1977), quoted by Soekidjo Notoatmodjo (2009: 124) suggests that:
"Performance is what a person can do according to his task and function."
Based on the above notions, it can be argued that performance is a result of work achieved by an employee in accordance with the standards and criteria that have been established within a certain time.
Performance Indicators
Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara (2009: 75) suggests that performance indicators, namely:
Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara (2009: 75) suggests that performance indicators, namely:
1. Quality
Quality of work is how well an employee does what it is supposed to do.
Quality of work is how well an employee does what it is supposed to do.
2. Quantity
Quantity of work is how long an employee works in one day. Quantity of work can be seen from the speed of each employee's work each.
Quantity of work is how long an employee works in one day. Quantity of work can be seen from the speed of each employee's work each.
3. Implementation of tasks
Task Implementation is how far employees are able to do their job accurately or no errors.
4. Responsibility
Responsibility for work is the awareness of employees' obligations to carry out the work the company provides.
Responsibility for work is the awareness of employees' obligations to carry out the work the company provides.
3.5. Factors Affecting Performance
High performance of an employee is certainly determined by the factors that influence it either directly or indirectly.
Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara (2009: 67) states that:
"Factors that affect the achievement of performance is a factor of ability (ability) and motivation factor (motivation). Meanwhile, according to Keith Davis in Anwar prabu Mangkunegara (2009: 67) formulated that the factors that can affect performance are:
"Factors that affect the achievement of performance is a factor of ability (ability) and motivation factor (motivation). Meanwhile, according to Keith Davis in Anwar prabu Mangkunegara (2009: 67) formulated that the factors that can affect performance are:
Human Performance = Ability + Motivation
Motivation = Attitude + Situation
Ability = Knowledge + Skill
1. Ability Factor
Psychologically, Ability of employees consists of potential ability (IQ) and ability of reality (knowledge + skill). That is, employees who have an average IQ (IQ 110 - 120) with adequate education for his position and skilled in doing their daily work, it will be easier to achieve the expected work performance. Therefore, the employee needs to be placed on the job in accordance with his expertise (the right man on the right place).
2. Motivation Factor
Motivation is formed from the attitude of an employee in the face of work situations. Motivation is a condition that moves self-directed employees to achieve organizational goals (goals of work).
Mental attitude is a mental condition that encourages employees to work to achieve maximum performance. The mental attitude of an employee must be a psychophysically ready mental attitude (attitude mentally, physically, purpose and situation). This means that an employee must be mentally prepared, able to physically, understand the main objectives and work targets to be achieved and able to utilize and create a working situation.
According to A. Dale Timple cited by Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara (2006: 15) performance factors consist of internal factors and external factors:
"Internal factors are factors that are related to one's traits. While external factors are factors that affect the performance of someone who comes from the environment. Such as the behavior, attitudes, and actions of co-workers, subordinates or leaders, work facilities, and organizational climate. "
From the above description can be concluded that the factors that affect the performance can be sourced from within the individual employees and from outside the individual. Just how the organization's policy is able to harmonize between these factors.
"Internal factors are factors that are related to one's traits. While external factors are factors that affect the performance of someone who comes from the environment. Such as the behavior, attitudes, and actions of co-workers, subordinates or leaders, work facilities, and organizational climate. "
From the above description can be concluded that the factors that affect the performance can be sourced from within the individual employees and from outside the individual. Just how the organization's policy is able to harmonize between these factors.
3.6.Performance assessment
Performance appraisal is a key factor in developing the potential of employees effectively and efficiently because of better policies or programs on the existing human resources within an organization. Assessment of individual performance is very beneficial for the growth of the organization as a whole.
According to Bernardin and Russel translated by Khaerul Umam (2010: 190-191), suggests that:
According to Bernardin and Russel translated by Khaerul Umam (2010: 190-191), suggests that:
"Performance appraisal is a way of measuring the contribution of individuals (employees) to the organizations they work for".
According Sedarmayanti (2011: 261), argued that:
"Performance appraisal is a formal system to examine / review and periodically evaluate perverse performance."
According Sedarmayanti (2011: 261), argued that:
"Performance appraisal is a formal system to examine / review and periodically evaluate perverse performance."
From the above description can be concluded that the performance appraisal of employees is very necessary dilakukakan, because it can be used as an evaluation of every employee by the head of the field and the head of the agency in the Office of Cooperatives, SMEs, Industry and Commerce for follow-up process after knowing what the shortcomings and advantages of subordinate performance , then the head of the field and the head of the service can know what action should be taken to overcome the deficiencies and maintain the excess, so that will have an impact on strategic decision-making regarding the results of performance evaluation and communications that have been done by superiors and subordinates so that agency goals will be quickly achieved.
3.7.Performance Assessment Goals
According to Syafarudin Alwi cited by Khaerul Umam (2010: 191), suggests that:
Theoretically, the purpose of performance appraisal is categorized as an evaluation and development. An evaluation should resolve:
a. The assessment results are used as a basis for granting compensation
b. Assessment results are used as staffing decision.
c. The assessment results are used as the basis for evaluating the selection system
While the development of Appraisers must complete:
While the development of Appraisers must complete:
d. Real achievements that individuals achieve
e. Individual weaknesses that impede performance
f. Achievements developed
According Sedarmayanti (2011: 262) explained that the purpose of performance appraisal are:
1. Improving employee performance by helping them to realize and use all their potential in realizing organizational goals.
2. Provide information to employees and leaders as a basis for making decisions related to work.
From the definition can be stated that the performance appraisal is a series of processes to evaluate the process or work of an employee to facilitate the leadership (Head of Division and Head of Cooperative, SME, Industry and Trade) in determining the policy for the employee related to the job or position.
3.8.Benefits of Performance Assessment
According to Khaerul Umam (2010: 101), suggests that:
The contribution of the assessment results is of great value to the organization's policy planning. In detail, the performance appraisal for an organization is:
The contribution of the assessment results is of great value to the organization's policy planning. In detail, the performance appraisal for an organization is:
a. Compensation adjustments
b. Performance improvement
c. Training and development needs
d. Decision making in the case of promotion, mutation, dismissal, dismissal, and manpower placement
e. For the benefit of employee research
f. Assisting diagnosis of employee design mistakes
Based on some of the description above, it can be concluded that one's leadership style in leading a working group will certainly affect the performance of employees. The nature of leaders who must be attached to a leader is intelligence, confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability.
There are also several kinds of leadership styles that can be used, among others:
1. Autocratic Leadership
2. Bureaucratic Leadership
3. Participatory Leadership
4. Delegative Leadership
5. Transactional Leadership
6. Transformational Leadership
7. Servant Leadership (Servant)
8. Charismatic Leadership
9. Situational Leadership
In my opinion, a charismatic and participatory style can be a suitable style choice needed by a group because it can make employees comfortable plus employee performance will not be disturbed or even increased. While the type of delegative style is only suitable applied to certain working groups only.
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